Asiya Sakit Okean Təhlili: Plastik bəla Sakit Okeanı təhdid edir

1. Dead whale washed up in Philippines had 40kg of plastic bags in its stomach, The Guardian, March 19, 2019.  Hannah Ellis-Petersen, South East Asia correspondent. 2. World Bank Group pushes study of plastic waste in Pasig River, UNTV News and Rescue, UNTV News, March 19, 2019  3. Scientific American, Where Plastic Goes, Coral Disease Follows, By Andrea Thompson, January 30, 2018 4. The Great Global Cleanup, Let’s create clean communities! Be Part of the Largest Environmental Volunteer Event in History, In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020.

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Göndərmə vaxtı: 02 may 2019-cu il
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